Because I'm a retard, my Flash CS3 expired-and I don't have a job sooo I'm basically screwed when it comes to the flash department. I even got voice actors and everything but-school work got in the way then I went to Canada and got addicted to Pringles. And its all because I suck. Hopefully when I get my summer job I can buy it and get back to work.
I can really see you have a real shit load of talent for flash, I'd recommend you to get LiveSwif (Google LiveSwif) that is pretty much an animation programme that is a lot like flash, the only difference is that LiveSWF doesn't do Actionscript, but you can get Flex at the Adobe website that is a programme that only does AS3, you can't animate with Flex, but you can add the code to a movie made with LiveSwif.
I am being completely honest, I really think it'd be a shame if you got Flash out of your life just because you can't get it. That happens to me and I almost gave up, so never give animation up, for this, I can see you have an incredible ammount of talent by seing that submission that you submitted and unluckly got blammed. I wish you best of luck, I have added you to my fave portal artists so that I can keep track of your movies.