A lot of things have been happening, Firstly I'd like to to thank Zyphonee for helping me out and making me believe: "Hey, maybe I can actually jump-start my career by doing this :D" and now I have LiveSwif now it's just a matter of making animations. But due to my personal life sucking, I haven't really been doing anything creative, I've actually been terribly depressed for a while. Now I have a LiveJournal, because I know no one will read it so its easier than writing in a physical journal. heres the link if you wanna glance at it but I don't recommend it. One line will make you start slitting your wrists...
Lol- that sounds like it should be a line in a song.
go kill yourself you fucking emo pussy whore
XxAnarachistPeacexX (Updated )
I really hate noobs, like seriously.